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最新版本的MacBook Air,M3,配备两个NAND芯片用于其SSD存储,与使用M3芯片的以前的型号相比,速度有了显著提升


🖥️ MacBook Air M3: The Speed Boost You Didn’t Know You Needed! 🚀💨

The new MacBook Air with M3 chip is here, and it’s not just your average laptop upgrade. 🆕💻 Besides being able to connect it to two external displays, the M3 model has addressed a storage problem that plagued its predecessor, the M2 model. Let’s dive into the details and see what the buzz is all about!

Double the Speed, Double the Fun! 🎉

YouTuber extraordinaire, Max Tech, recently tore down the entry-level model of the MacBook Air M3 with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage and made an exciting discovery 📲🔍 – the storage performance on the M3 model is nearly double that of the M2 model. How? Well, Apple switched back to using two 128GB NAND modules instead of a single 256GB module on the SSD drive. 😮

According to Max Tech’s tests, the M3 MacBook Air showed a significant improvement in both read and write speeds. The older M2 model had a write speed of 1584.3 Mb/s, while the newer M3 model boasted a whopping 2108.9 Mb/s – that’s a 33% difference! In terms of read speeds, it was 1576.4 Mb/s on the old model and an impressive 2880.2 Mb/s on the newer model. 📈💯

Baldur’s Gate 3 being played on the M3 MacBook Air. Image: Luke Larsen / ENBLE

So, what does this mean for the average user? 🤔 Well, for starters, when the 8GB RAM on these entry-level models runs out, the MacBook will start using storage as extra RAM. With the faster storage performance on the M3 MacBook Air, this means a more responsive experience in the long run. No more waiting for your laptop to catch up with your furious typing speed! ⌨️⚡

Need for Speed…and Transfers 🏎️💨

That’s not all, folks! The improved storage performance of the M3 MacBook Air also comes in handy when it comes to file transfers. Max Tech’s tests revealed that the new M3 model transferred a 117GB file over Thunderbolt in just 4 minutes and 29 seconds. In comparison, the old MacBook Air M2 took about 6 minutes and 29 seconds to complete the same task. That’s a significant two-minute difference, making file transfers a breeze! 🚀💽

The Impact on Video Editing and Multitasking 🎬🤹‍♂️

With such noticeable speed improvements, the MacBook Air with an M3 chip now stands out as a potential choice for light video editing and heavier multitasking. 💪🎥 Its enhanced performance capabilities open up new possibilities for creative professionals, students, and everyday users alike. Say goodbye to frustrating lag and hello to smooth editing experiences! 🎞️

But Wait, Didn’t We Have This Before? 👀

You might be wondering, didn’t the original M1 MacBook Air also come with two NAND modules? Well, you have a keen memory! 🧠🔍 The M2 MacBook Air tried to cut corners by using a problematic NAND chip that received plenty of heat at the time. But fear not, Apple heard the cries of its loyal fans and decided to go back to what worked with the M3 model – two NAND modules. 🛠️🔧

Saving You 💰 While Boosting Performance! 🚀💸

Here’s the cherry on top of the MacBook Air M3 upgrade – no more shelling out extra money for a 512GB storage option just to enjoy faster SSD performance. With the M3 model, you can now experience lightning-fast speeds without breaking the bank! You’ll save a cool $200 and still enjoy a seamless user experience. 💸💰

Now, you can have your cake and eat it too! 🍰💻


💡 有更多问题吗?我们这里有答案! 🤔🔎

Q: MacBook Air M3 中还有哪些显著改进?
A: 除了存储性能提升外,MacBook Air M3 还提供了全面的速度改进、更长的电池续航时间和无风扇设计,使其成为一台时尚、强大且节能高效的机器。

Q: 我可以升级 MacBook Air M3 的存储吗?
A: 遗憾的是,MacBook Air M3 的存储无法由用户升级。在购买之前,请确保选择适合您需求的配置。

Q:MacBook Air M3 适合游戏吗?
A: 虽然 MacBook Air M3 并非专为游戏设计,但它能够处理休闲游戏和要求不高的游戏。如果您是一个硬核玩家,您可能需要考虑 MacBook Pro 或专用游戏笔记本电脑,以获得更沉浸式的游戏体验。

🚀 MacBook Air 的未来:明亮且迅速! 🌟💨

随着 MacBook Air M3 为速度和性能设定了新标准,我们对未来的发展充满期待。苹果继续突破可能性的界限,我们迫不及待地想看到他们将为 MacBook Air 的下一个版本带来什么创新! 🚀🍎

参考资料:Apple MacBook Air M3 vs. MacBook Air M2: 有何不同?MacBook Air M3 有一个修正其最大缺陷的变化Mac 最佳与其他 Apple 设备配合使用的 6 种方式

📣 分享您的 MacBook Air M3 体验! 📸🎉

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