不平衡的股权结构:初创公司的噩梦 😱



公司融资结构妨碍投资者对初创公司的兴趣时| ENBLE

图像来源:Cap Table





Leslie Feinzaig,一家Graham&Walker的普通合伙人指出,在所述的股本结构中,“投资者群体拥有三位创始人的两倍多”。她强调了创始人拥有大量股利并保持高收入潜力的重要性。创始人和投资者之间的激励应该从一开始就完全一致。🙌



为了避免这种股本结构的陷阱,投资者和创始人应该争取“正常”的种子和A轮股本结构,根据Homebrew的普通合伙人Hunter Walk。在这些情况下,投资者拥有少数股权,而创始人仍然拥有健康的所有权。其余的普通股属于公司或团队。保持这种平衡可以确保利益的一致性,并认识到创始人推动得到风险投资支持的公司取得成功的动机。📊


修复股本结构需要重组以纠正激励结构并伴随融资。如果调解几乎不可能,CEO在筹集更多资金之前解决这个问题是明智的。Bread&Butter Ventures的Mary Grove强调,创始人在种子阶段应该拥有公司的50-75%。纠正措施,包括为创始人提供额外的期权授予,可以包含在条款表中。在这种情况下,现有投资者还应接受稀释以进行重置。📝





This cap table predicament isn’t an isolated incident. Many developing startup ecosystems lack access to good advice and can adopt norms that don’t align with the venture model prevalent elsewhere. Bad actors are unfortunately not rare, with incubators or accelerators sometimes taking exploitative stakes or early founders fully vesting shares they no longer deserve.

While non-local investors have the opportunity to offer reasonable terms to early-stage startups in developing ecosystems, this can drain financial resources from the local ecosystem. Ideally, wealth and talent should stay within the country to boost its startup ecosystem’s growth. 🌍

Learn From Mistakes and Build a Strong Foundation 💪

Cap tables are like delicate balancing acts, crucial to ensuring founders’ incentives and investors’ returns are aligned. Startups must navigate this intricate landscape carefully to attract the right investors, maintain founder motivation, and foster long-term success. Understanding the importance of a balanced cap table is the first step towards building a strong foundation for growth.

So, if you’re a founder or an investor, remember that the recipe for success lies in the proper distribution of equity. Keep your cap table balanced, and the possibilities for future growth will be limitless! 🚀💼

Read more on startup funding and engaging technology articles:Microsoft Invests in Another AI CompanyInspired Capital Secures $330M FundHomebrew Targets $50M New Fund

If you have any news tips or information for me, feel free to share it with me via email or Signal.

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