
Shader是一款AR创作工具,利用人工智能生成定制的效果、遮罩和镜头它旨在与行业领先者Snap的AR开发平台Lens Studio和TikTok的Effect House竞争,为创建AR内容提供无代码解决方案


Ex-Snap design leader releases Shader, an AR tool that uses AI to create unique effects. | ENBLE

Are you tired of spending hours creating a single AR filter that requires advanced engineering and design skills? Look no further, because Shader is here to save the day! Shader is on a mission to challenge industry heavyweights like Snap’s Lens Studio and TikTok’s Effect House with its no-code AR creation tool. 💪

Meet Darya Sesitskaya, the Mastermind Behind Shader ✨

Led by Darya Sesitskaya, a former Snap design lead responsible for designing Snapchat’s AR camera, Lens Studio, Lens Cloud, and more, Shader is backed by a team of talented former Snap AR and Blizzard engineers. 🚀

Creating Custom Effects in Minutes, Not Hours ⏰

Shader’s flagship product is a real-time AI camera app, currently available in beta on iOS devices. With this app, users simply take a photo of themselves, and the AI scans their faces and generates a personalized AR effect based on their prompt. No coding or design skills needed! Users can then record a video of themselves flaunting the mask or filter. 😎

Unleash Your Creativity with Shader’s Cross-Platform Functionality 🌍

Sharing is caring, and Shader knows it! The app allows users to share their creations on popular social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. 📸 But Shader doesn’t stop there. The startup plans to launch an in-app social feed where users can post their AR templates, allowing other creators to like, comment, and try out the effects. Get ready to inspire and get inspired! 🤩

Optimizing and Expanding: The Future of Shader 🚀

Shader has recently launched a web version, featuring webcam face scanning and a text box for prompts. While premade templates are not currently available on this version, we can expect them to be added in the future. Moreover, Shader is working on optimizing its iOS app for the newly released Vision Pro, which utilizes Apple’s digital persona technology. The possibilities are endless! 🔮

Funding the Dream: Investors Believe in Shader 💸

With a funding round of $580,000, Shader has caught the attention of prominent investors such as Betaworks, Greycroft, Differential Ventures, Mozilla Ventures, and On Deck. This investment signifies the continued demand for AR creation tools. The capital raised will be invested in developing new features, including speech-to-text prompts, integration with platforms like Twitch, Discord, and Zoom for live AR filters, and expanding the marketing team. Shader is committed to making AR and AI effects accessible to everyone! 🌈

Q&A: Let’s Answer Your Burning Questions! 🔥

1. How does Shader compare to other AR creation platforms like Snap’s Lens Studio and TikTok’s Effect House?

Shader aims to challenge and revolutionize the industry by offering a no-code AR creation tool that allows users to generate custom effects, 2D masks, and lenses in minutes. Unlike other platforms that require engineering and design skills, Shader simplifies the process and makes it accessible to everyone.

2. Can I use Shader on Android devices?

Although Shader is currently available in beta on iOS devices, the startup has announced that an Android version will be launched soon. Stay tuned!

3. What are the future plans for Shader?

Shader has big plans! In addition to adding premade templates to their web version, they also intend to implement the ability to create voice-to-AR effects and 3D background replacements. The company is dedicated to unlocking new possibilities for the 400 million creators on social media.

4. How can I get started with Shader?

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将AR创作提升到新高度:未来就是Shader! 🚀

Shader的无代码AR创作工具将颠覆行业,让用户轻松创建个性化内容。凭借其创新功能和用户友好的设计原则,Shader为全球创作者打开了新机会。无论您是AR爱好者、社交媒体创作者,还是简简单单想要玩乐一番的人,Shader都是您的理想工具! 😄

在他们的YouTube频道上查看Shader的语音识别技术演示,并不要忘记在社交媒体上分享您惊人的创作。让全世界体验Shader的魔力! 🌟


您尝试过Shader了吗?在下方留言分享您的经验,让我们知道您的想法!不要忘记给这篇文章点赞并与您的朋友在社交媒体上分享。一起来传播关于Shader的消息,释放AR创作的潜力吧! 👍✨