


Google Chrome现在提供了改进的保护功能,以对抗危险网站和弱密码。





Google意识到检测和解决网络安全威胁的速度对用户安全至关重要。为了赶在黑客之前,Chrome的安全浏览现在为桌面和iOS上的Chrome用户提供了针对恶意和可疑网站的实时防护。这一功能将于本月晚些时候在Chrome for Android上提供。



增强的安全浏览设置:- 在桌面或移动设备的Chrome中检查或调整您的安全浏览设置:1. 进入设置。2. 选择隐私和安全。3. 选择安全浏览选项。- 确保至少启用标准保护。- 考虑启用增强保护,它利用人工智能来阻止攻击,执行深度文件扫描,并防范恶意Chrome扩展。



除了改进安全浏览之外,Google还加强了Chrome for iOS上的密码检查功能。以前,密码检查会在检测到由数据泄露或其他威胁导致的受损密码时向用户发出警告。现在,它扩展了功能,警告用户有关弱密码和多个网站上重复使用的凭据。要使用此功能,用户必须使用Chrome内置的密码管理器安全保存和存储网站凭据。

检查密码漏洞:- 在Chrome桌面浏览器或移动应用程序中:1. 进入设置。2. 选择隐私和安全。3. 选择安全性检查选项。4. 单击或轻击立即检查以启动手动扫描。



问与答 – 解决读者的其他关切

1. 安全浏览中的实时URL防护是如何工作的?


2. 我可以在Chrome的安全浏览中同时启用标准和增强保护吗?


Absolutely! Chrome’s Safe Browsing provides two levels of protection: Standard and Enhanced. We recommend enabling at least Standard protection to benefit from the continuous updates and protection against phishing attempts. However, if you want an extra layer of security, Enhanced protection utilizes AI, conducts deep file scans, and defends against malicious Chrome extensions.

3. How does Password Checkup identify weak passwords?

Password Checkup on Chrome now evaluates the strength of your passwords and identifies potential weaknesses. It operates by assessing factors such as password length, complexity, and patterns. If it detects a weak password or credentials reused across multiple sites, it will alert you and guide you towards creating stronger and distinct passwords for improved protection.


These recent updates from Google demonstrate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. By staying ahead of hackers and implementing advanced security measures, technology companies help users navigate the digital realm with confidence. With real-time protection and enhanced password security, Chrome users can enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.

📚 Reference Links:

  1. Official Chrome Blog – Enhanced Safe Browsing
  2. Google Support – Safe Browsing on Chrome for Android
  3. Google Support – Chrome Privacy and Security Settings
  4. Google Security Blog – Password Checkup
  5. Google Support – Chrome Safety Check


Do you feel more secure using Google Chrome’s enhanced security features? Share your thoughts in the comments below and spread the word about these important updates by sharing this article on your favorite social media platforms!
