《Helldivers 2》不需要DLSS,但它会从中受益吗?



Helldivers 2 CEO argues against the necessity of DLSS, and he’s got a point | ENBLE

🎮 Attention all gamers and tech enthusiasts! Today we bring you an article that dives deep into the world of Helldivers 2, a popular co-op game that has been making waves in the gaming community. But what caught our attention is the controversy surrounding the developer’s stance on Nvidia’s DLSS technology. Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on, shall we? 😮

Is DLSS Really Necessary?

The CEO of Arrowhead Games, the brains behind Helldivers 2, recently made a remark about Nvidia’s DLSS that sparked quite the online debate. According to Johan Pilestedt, DLSS is “cool tech, but not necessary.” 🤔

But why does this matter? Well, considering that Helldivers 2 has quickly become one of the most entertaining co-op games of the year (as our Helldivers 2 review confirms), it’s a bit odd that the game doesn’t include branded upscaling tools like DLSS. However, the surprising fact is that Helldivers 2 doesn’t actually need DLSS to deliver an exceptional gaming experience. 🚀

The Power of Temporal Super Resolution

Instead of relying on DLSS, Helldivers 2 boasts its own Temporal Super Resolution (TSR) technology. TSR offers a choice between upscaling and supersampling, depending on your GPU’s capabilities. You may be wondering, “How does TSR work?” Well, fear not, dear reader! Our comprehensive Helldivers 2 PC performance guide explains it all. 😎

To put it simply, TSR ensures a stable performance across a range of systems. Even with modest graphics cards like the RTX 3060, players can achieve above 60 frames per second (fps) at 1080p with all the settings cranked up to the max! 💪

Where Does DLSS Fit In?

Johan Pilestedt mentioned that DLSS and similar technologies wouldn’t make a significant difference in Helldivers 2 due to the game’s heavy reliance on CPU performance. Pilestedt clarified that most of the performance load comes from simulating everything in the game. While upscaling may not be a game-changer, advanced frame generation features like DLSS 3 and FSR 3 could potentially overcome CPU bottlenecks. 🔄

While Pilestedt hasn’t confirmed whether DLSS or FSR will be added to Helldivers 2, he did agree that if they were to be included, both should come as a package deal. Nonetheless, it seems that Arrowhead Games is focused on delivering more awesome content rather than investing heavily in tech-oriented enhancements. Can we really blame them? When faced with the choice between mind-blowing content and performance improvements, the decision becomes crystal clear. 💡

Stable Performance Matters

Unlike some other games (cough Starfield cough), Helldivers 2 doesn’t need to heavily rely on upscaling and frame generation technologies to achieve stable performance. This is great news for PC gamers who worry about developers leaning too heavily on these techniques just to make games playable. 🙌

With matchmaking issues mostly resolved, Helldivers 2 runs smoothly on a variety of systems. But hey, more options are always a good thing, right? So, we hope to see DLSS and FSR as additional settings in Helldivers 2 in the near future. After all, given the game’s immense popularity, having more PC features available to players would be a win-win situation. Even if they’re not essential, they could still enhance the gaming experience. 🎉

Q&A Time!

Now that we’ve explored the DLSS controversy in Helldivers 2, let’s dive into some important questions that readers like you might have:

Q1: What is DLSS and how does it work?

DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) is an innovative technology by Nvidia that uses artificial intelligence to upscale lower-resolution images, enhancing the overall visual quality while maintaining high frame rates in games. With DLSS, gamers can enjoy stunning graphics without sacrificing performance. If you want to know more about DLSS, check out this comprehensive guide by Digital Trends!



DLSS已经在游戏开发者中获得了广泛认可,许多游戏现在支持这一令人印象深刻的技术。一些流行的游戏包括《Control(控制)》、《Cyberpunk 2077(赛博朋克2077)》、《Minecraft with RTX(带有RTX的Minecraft)》和《Call of Duty: Warzone(使命召唤:战区)》。准备好享受DLSS带来的震撼视觉效果和流畅游戏体验吧!





Arrowhead Games等开发者将继续探索为玩家提供令人惊艳、身临其境的体验的新途径。无论他们选择采用DLSS、FSR还是其他开创性技术,目标始终如一:创造能够迷住并激动全球玩家的游戏。旅程才刚刚开始!🎮


  1. Nvidia’s DLSS:酷炫技术,但是否必要?— 数码趋势
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🎮 你对《地狱潜伏者2》中的DLSS有何看法?你是否错过它,或者对游戏没有它的表现感到满意?在下方评论中分享你的意见!如果你喜欢这篇文章,请别忘了将其与社交媒体上的游戏玩家朋友分享。愉快的游戏!🚀
