苹果Vision Pro:昂贵的未来AR/VR头戴显示器之窥



Apple’s Cost to Produce Vision Pro Headset.


Apple has always been the pioneer in blending cutting-edge technology with elegant designs. From iPhones to MacBooks, their products have become the epitome of innovation and style. So it comes as no surprise that Apple’s foray into the world of augmented reality and virtual reality headsets has everyone buzzing with excitement. However, as with all things Apple, their latest product, the Vision Pro, comes with a hefty price tag. Starting at $3,500, it’s clear that this is not your average VR headset.

The Price of Premium: Breaking Down the Bill of Materials


According to research by Omdia, a significant portion of the Vision Pro’s price can be attributed to its premium “bill of materials.” In fact, these components alone are estimated to cost Apple over $1,500. So, what exactly makes up this expensive recipe?


The most expensive ingredients are the two 1.25-inch micro-OLED displays nestled inside the headset, one for each eye. With a total of 23 million pixels, these displays offer a visual experience that Apple claims surpasses the clarity of a 4K TV. Each display costs Apple around $228, resulting in a total of $456 per headset.


Next on the list are the M2 and R1 chips. The M2 chip, also seen in the 2022 MacBook Air, acts as the main processor, handling content processing, running the visionOS operating system, executing computer vision algorithms, and providing graphical content. The R1 chip, on the other hand, manages the influx of data from cameras, sensors, and microphones. These two chips come with a combined cost of $240 for Apple.


Keep in mind that these estimated figures only provide a glimpse into the cost of the components and do not take into account other factors such as research and development, packaging, shipping, sales, marketing, and capital expenditures. These additional expenses could significantly impact Apple’s profit margin on the Vision Pro headsets.

The Pinnacle of Luxury: Apple’s Vision Pro Headsets


Apple is expected to produce fewer than 400,000 Vision Pro headsets in 2024 due to the complexity of manufacturing, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. It’s clear that these headsets are a high-end luxury item, catering to a select group of tech enthusiasts willing to splurge on the latest and greatest.


But fear not, those who aspire to experience the future of AR/VR without breaking the bank. Apple is already on the move, working on a more affordable version of the Vision Pro. The upcoming iteration is likely to feature chips comparable to those found in iPhones, along with lower-resolution internal displays and more cost-effective materials. Apple may even consider ditching the outward-facing EyeSight feature, which allows others to see a simulated rendering of the wearer’s eyes. It seems that Apple is determined to make the wonders of AR/VR accessible to a wider audience.

The Future Beckons: What Lies Ahead for Apple’s Vision Pro?


According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple’s vision for the Vision Pro extends beyond its current incarnation. Gurman suggests that a next-generation version of the headset could grace the market sometime in late 2025. As with any Apple product, we can expect continued innovation, improved performance, and possibly even more affordable pricing.


So, whether you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Vision Pro or contemplating the possibilities of AR/VR in general, it’s clear that Apple’s ambitions are reaching new heights. With their expert craftsmanship, attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of innovation, Apple continues to shape the future of technology.

📚🔗 Reference Links:Omdia’s researchApple Vision Pro tipped for late Jan/early Feb releaseCNBC article


💭 Q&A

💡Q: 苹果 Vision Pro 有何特点,使其在其他 VR 头戴设备中脱颖而出?

A: 苹果 Vision Pro 以其高端设计、尖端技术和奢华用户体验的结合而脱颖而出。 它拥有比 4K 电视更多像素的微 OLED 显示屏,提供卓越的视觉清晰度。此外,苹果对细节的关注和对用户体验的专注使 Vision Pro 与其他 VR 头戴设备不同。

💰Q: Vision Pro 的高价格值得吗?

A: Vision Pro 的高价反映了它作为一款顶级奢华产品的地位。它提供了先进功能和卓越技术的高端体验。然而,是否值得付出这个价格取决于个人偏好和预算约束。那些追求最高质量并且看重苹果品牌的人可能会觉得这个投资值得。

🚀Q: 我们可以期待 Vision Pro 未来版本的哪些改进?

A: 苹果已经在研发一个更实惠的 Vision Pro 版本。尽管具体细节尚未确认,但我们可以预期将使用类似 iPhone 的芯片、分辨率较低的内部显示屏和成本效益型材料。苹果还可能对外部 EyeSight 等功能进行调整,优化头戴设备的性能,同时使其更受更广泛的受众欢迎。

🛠️Q: 是否有其他 VR 头戴设备提供与 Vision Pro 相似功能的替代选择?

A: 尽管 Vision Pro 展示了苹果独特的设计和技术融合,但还有其他 VR 头戴设备具有类似功能。一些值得一提的选择包括 Oculus Quest 2、HTC Vive Pro 和索尼 PlayStation VR。这些头戴设备每个提供独特的 VR 体验,迎合不同的偏好和预算。

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