苹果拥抱人工智能:探索 iPhone 的人工智能功能



Hidden AI Features on Your iPhone

🍎 Apple, the tech giant known for its innovative products, has recently entered the public conversation around generative AI. Although late to the game, Apple has been incorporating AI into its iPhones, powerhouses driving core features in popular apps like Camera, Photos, and Siri, among others.

🗣️ Apple CEO Tim Cook has become more vocal about the potential of AI, indicating that Apple is finally stepping up its AI game. During an earnings call in February, Cook confirmed that Apple is investing in generative AI, hinting at a massive opportunity for growth in this field. While specific details remain undisclosed, research from Apple suggests that the company aims to develop on-device AI for its iPhones. Further signaling its commitment to AI, Apple recently unveiled the new MacBook Air laptops, boasting them as the “best consumer laptop for AI.”

So, what AI features can you find on your iPhone today? Let’s take a closer look at some of our favorite AI-based features:

Clone your voice digitally 🎤

Apple may not have a chatbot, but it has embraced AI technology in a different way. With the Personal Voice feature introduced in iOS 17, Apple leverages on-device machine learning to help people at risk of speech loss replicate their voice. By analyzing your voice after recording yourself reading 150 phrases, the iPhone generates a synthetic version of your voice. This synthesized voice can then be used with the iPhone’s type-to-speak tools to convert text into speech in FaceTime and compatible third-party apps. 🗣️

Curious about how to clone and store your voice on your iPhone? Check out this step-by-step guide for more details. Step-by-step guide

Easily copy text from iPhone images 📷

Thanks to the AI-driven Live Text feature, available on iOS 15 and later, extracting text from images is a breeze. Live Text is a computer-vision tool that recognizes both handwritten and type-written text in photos, similar to Google Lens. By simply tapping a few buttons, Live Text enables you to copy and paste text from images. Imagine digitizing a handwritten recipe by capturing it on your iPhone and then copying and pasting the text into a digital document. 📝 Want to learn how to perform this handy trick? Follow this step-by-step guide. Step-by-step guide

It’s worth noting that other smartphone manufacturers have also embraced similar technology. For instance, Honor’s Magic 6 Pro and Magic V2, running on Magic OS 8 software, offer a Magic Text feature with comparable capabilities.

New and improved AutoCorrect ✍️

Apple has answered the prayers of many iPhone users frustrated by Autocorrect’s quirks. In its latest software update, Apple has fixed one of the biggest issues – Autocorrect censoring swear words. You can now let your expletives fly without worrying about Apple changing them to more innocent alternatives like “duck” or “shut.” 🦆 🤐

But that’s not all – Autocorrect has undergone more significant improvements. It can now correct mistakes more accurately and delivers more tailored inline predictive text. This enhancement is largely due to iOS 17’s new transformer language model, which employs machine learning to predict words better and replicate human speech patterns. So, now you can sound more like yourself while typing! 🤓

Photography smarts 📸

The iPhone has always been renowned for its exceptional camera capabilities, and AI plays a crucial role in enhancing those features. Take Portrait Mode, for example. With the help of AI algorithms and computational photography, iPhone cameras can identify subjects and create stunning bokeh effects, blurring the background while keeping the subject in focus. This creates a professional-quality look with minimal effort. Another noteworthy feature powered by AI is Cinematic Mode, which simulates desired apertures and dynamically adjusts focus to keep moving subjects sharp. Additionally, iOS 17 introduced the Photo app’s ability to recognize pets in photos, allowing for better photo organization. 🐶 📷

iPhone AI going forward: Will Siri get smarter? 🧠


虽然 Siri 自 iOS 5 推出以来,即 2011 年发布,但苹果打算通过利用大型语言模型,这是生成式人工智能的一个重要组成部分,将其语音激活助手提升到一个新水平。根据《The Information》的一份报告,Siri 很快可能会通过简单的语音命令来回应更加复杂的任务。例如,它可能能够将一系列照片转换为 GIF 并无缝发送给您的联系人之一。如果情况属实,则这一进步代表了苹果数字助手的重大飞跃。Siri 已经利用人工智能来理解类似于人类的语言并做出相应回应,正在通往智能化的道路上变得更加聪明。🤖

由于苹果经常在其全球开发者大会上发布 iPhone 的新软件功能,我们可以期待很快就会了解更多有关他们对 iPhone 上人工智能计划的信息。

📚 参考资料:- 苹果 iOS 18 传言:可能是人工智能的重大飞跃苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克将 Vision Pro 时刻与 iPhone 相比较与 Mac 相比较最佳 2 合 1 笔记本电脑优惠:将您的笔记本电脑变成平板电脑Netflix 敲击手指 – 智能手表软件第一步【逐步指南】Android 上无缝语音转文字功能荣耀推出的手机可能成为 Galaxy S24 Ultra 的竞争者130W iPhone 充电器比苹果官方更好YouTube 让查找准确信息更加容易

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