苹果 Vision Pro 深度解析 🍎👓 率先预知,即将颠覆你的认知!

参观苹果商店,体验Vision Pro演示是一次令人兴奋的经历,引发无数问题


How much do you love your wife?’ inquired the Apple Vision Pro salesman.


I thought I was braced for anything and everything. A couple of weeks ago, I’d gone to an Apple store and been told that the Vision Pro was not merely visionary, but primarily a work tool. It’ll “blow your mind,” I was told. How many times in your life have you been offered that promise? And how many times have you resisted seeing if it’s true?

I couldn’t, of course, so I made an appointment to have my mind blown, my reality altered, and my pocket picked. Let me take you on a journey through my experience with Apple Vision Pro!

Spatial Computing Isn’t Just for Zuckers, It’s for Everyone 🌌

Soon, I was in the hands of a Vision Pro expert who would guide me toward the future. Naturally, he wanted to know why I wanted to try the new device. I explained that I wanted to see if Mark Zuckerberg was right in suggesting it was an inferior product to the Meta Quest.

The Apple salesman laughed. “The Quest?,” he said. “This is nothing like the Quest. This is spatial computing.” It’s interesting how Apple embraces a terminology and all its employees are encouraged to repeat it. I wonder how many customers find it truly persuasive.

Still, the salesman tested the prescription lenses on my glasses and prepared Zeiss inserts that would work with the Vision Pro. And work they did. Soon, I was placing the Vision Pro on my head. Even sooner than that, I was uttering an involuntary “Whoa.”

I can quite understand why so many believe the Vision Pro is the future. You put it on and you’re instantly somewhere else, even though you can also see that you’re still in the Apple store with the vividly enthusiastic salesman. Yet the world around you—and inside your head—is fundamentally altered. You have a new perspective, right there before your eyes.

An initial couple of questions emerged: When was the last time a product made me utter “Whoa?” And: Will the world ever look the same again?

Yes, It Just Works 🙌

The salesman then took me through the gestures, which were startlingly simple. And, oddly, worked hitchlessly. Pinching my fingers—keep the gesture horizontal—instantly became as natural as swiping up on my iPhone. Zooming in and out recalled my (non-existent) career clutching the baton before the London Philharmonic. Yes, you too can be the conductor of your brave new world.

The whole thing reminded me of an Apple essence: It just works. I hadn’t imagined it would translate so effortlessly into such a complex product. Moreover, the eye-tracking was also blindingly simple and accurate.

A few years ago, I was invited by a company called Eyefluence to experience its eye-tracking via an HTC Vive. Even then, I’d been startled by the sheer otherworldliness of the experience. With the Vision Pro, you can simply do things with your eyes that you never thought possible.

This, I suspect, is why some see it as a completely different future. When your body can suddenly do things you never imagined it could do, you experience a peculiar mixture of enhanced power and marginal contempt for your life until this moment.

The salesman then took me through some of the Vision Pro’s capabilities. Photos—all taken on an iPhone 15 Pro, naturally—suddenly took on a three-dimensional quality. Yet the people in them oddly resembled effigies at Madame Tussaud’s. Their skin took on a waxy quality that was a touch disturbing.

Panorama images, though, were spectacular. You turn your head and the image is all around you, enveloping you in its environment. Movies took on an IMAX quality. But wait, why did the salesman play me a Super Mario cartoon, rather than, say, Succession or Ted Lasso? Perhaps he thought my green pants were childlike.

I had to stop him for a moment, though. I’d been told in my previous visit to an Apple store that this was a work device, yet here he was eliciting a succession of whoa’s—not an expression I use too often at work, other than in the meaning of “please stop.” The Vision Pro, you see, is heavy. It also created—for me, at least—a hot head. I’m not sure I could work with it for more than a short time.


销售员回答说:“我一次工作时间使用它八九个小时。” 他说他并没有觉得重,但确实在头顶上使用了额外的带子作为支撑。 这让我联想到了关于人工智能的一段话。 如果Vision Pro是未来,那他不担心人工智能会主导它吗?


又冒出了另外几个问题:科技行业现在是否已经为未来的生活奠定了所有基石,也许可以维持50年? 还有:我们是否一步步被诱使远离物理世界?

你有多爱电影? 💑🎥

不过,很快我们又回到了娱乐和沉浸式视频的领域。 看着前黑莓发言人艾丽西亚·凯斯和她的乐队演唱是很不错,但当销售员突然切换到一个视频,让我仿佛置身于一个有三百英尺陡峭悬崖的顶部时,我体验到了一种不同的震撼。恐高震撼。

我并不是严重恐高的,但对于我的头部空间计算系统来说,这略显过分。 尽管如此,我仍然感到一丝微弱的惊奇,这是对这段未来乌托邦20分钟之旅的想象。 不过我不禁思考,我只能独自使用这款设备观看电影。

“你有多爱你的妻子?,”他回答道。 他继续解释道,Vision Pro 确实有一个共享功能。 只不过,妻子需要有自己的Vision Pro。 所以,这将是为未来度过一个晚上顺畅的$8,000投资。 是的,目前已知的未来,涉及你和你的妻子带着面具一起观看电影。

“我非常爱我妻子,”我说。“所以我知道如果我带回两个Vision Pro,她会建议我接受治疗。”

销售员笑了,但我又有了另一个想法:“而且,我们在看电影时喜欢亲昵,如果我们都戴着这些面具,那将不太容易。 我们会碰到眼镜,对吧?”

最终,我难住了他。 最终,我意识到未来尚未完全形成。 他像许多苹果销售人员一样,是一个非常优秀的表演者,但显然他的培训中并没有涉及这一点。

然后我想起他从照片应用程序演示的图片。 这里是一个人,独自一人在冰岛。 这里是一个人,独自一人在俄勒冈。 这些都是奇怪的选择,不知何故加强了产品潜在孤立性的想法。

如果你还没有尝试 Vision Pro 的演示,我强烈推荐。 这是一个迷人的窥视未来的机会。 但也许我最终问自己的最大问题是:如果我致力于这个新世界,我将成为什么样的人?

🤔 问答内容

问:Vision Pro 只兼容苹果设备吗?

答:是的,Vision Pro 设计与苹果设备完美配合,特别是 iPhone。 在使用 iPhone 15 Pro 时,沉浸式体验得到了优化。 因此,如果您深度投入于苹果生态系统,这可能是您的理想选择!

问:Vision Pro 有多重?在长时间使用时会引起不适吗?

答:Vision Pro 确实有些重。 尽管有些用户可能会发现在长时间佩戴时感到舒适,其他人可能会感到不适或出现“头热”感觉。 如果您打算大量使用它,建议考虑使用额外的带子作为支撑。

问:使用 Vision Pro 可以与他人观看电影或玩游戏吗?

答:虽然 Vision Pro 提供了共享功能,但需要每个人都拥有自己的 Vision Pro 设备。 不幸的是,目前无法使用单个设备一起观看电影或玩游戏。 因此,如果您希望获得共享体验,您需要投资多个设备,这可能相当昂贵。


那么,你准备好跳入沉浸式、令人惊叹的 Apple Vision Pro 世界了吗?试一试吧,让你对技术和未来的看法超越你最疯狂的梦想!如果你已经体验过 Vision Pro,请在下方评论中与我们分享你的想法和经历。🚀💭

记得与你的朋友在社交媒体上分享这篇文章,让他们了解 Apple Vision Pro 提供的令人难以置信的可能性!📲✨
