全新的 MacBook Air M3 隆重登场:惊人的升级力量 😲💻

苹果惊喜宣布更新的M3 13英寸和15英寸MacBook Air笔记本电脑,同时推出M2 13英寸作为新的入门级选择


MacBook Air M3 gets a surprising fix | ENBLE

📷Apple MacBook Air M3 screenshot showing new model render.

With surprisingly little fanfare — no spring event this time — Apple has dropped an update to the MacBook Air a bit sooner than expected. The incredibly thin MacBook Air 13- and 15-inch models both received updates to the Apple Silicon M3 chipsets, but that’s not all.

A modest upgrade in CPU and AI performance

📷Apple’s M3 chip family.

The M3 chipset offers the usual speed bumps ushered in by a new generation of processors. According to Apple, the 13-inch M3 is up to 35% faster than the older M1 model when working in Excel. It’s up to 60% faster in Apple’s Final Cut Pro. And Photomator’s Super Resolution function is up to 40% faster in using AI to enhance an image.

That’s thanks to Apple’s move to a 3nm process that increases performance while improving efficiency. Each M3 performance core — the core counts stay the same between the M2 and M3 — is 30% faster than M1 cores and 15% faster than those in the M2. The M3 comes in an 8-core CPU (four performance and four efficiency) and 8-core GPU version and an 8-core CPU and 10-core GPU version. All versions have the same 16-core Neural Engine that’s faster than in the previous version, likely accounting for the AI improvements mentioned above.

We tested the M3 chip in the latest iMac, and it provided a significant uptick over the M2. The MacBook Air may not be quite as fast, given its smaller chassis, but in Cinebench R23, the M3 iMac was 26% faster in single-core performance and 25% faster in multi-core. Doing some math, compared to the M2 MacBook Air 13-inch, the M3 version should provide a roughly 16% improvement in single-core performance and 5% in multi-core.

Apple also touts the Neural Engine, along with CPU and GPU accelerators that will speed up on-device AI functionality. That’s in line with the industrywide AI push that’s seen Intel and AMD both incorporate Neural Processing Units (NPUs) in their latest chipsets.

A more significant upgrade in GPU performance

📷A slide from an Apple presentation saying “Dynamic Caching.”

While the M3 is likely to provide a meaningful upgrade in CPU performance, it’s in the GPU that the magic happens. Apple introduced several new GPU features that are sure to provide massive improvements in graphics performance. Dynamic Caching is a memory architecture that makes the architecture’s unified memory perform more efficiently, increasing GPU utilization and speeding up performance in games and apps like Adobe Premiere Pro that can use the GPU in various demanding tasks. Mesh shading is now supported in hardware, a significant boon for gamers, and the M3 GPU now also supports hardware-assisted ray tracing.

We’ll have to test the new laptops ourselves, but Apple promised 60% faster frame rates in No Man’s Sky over the M1. The 60% improvement in Final Cut Pro mentioned above is likely down to the faster GPU, rather than the CPU improvements.

Everything else is the same

📷A side of the MacBook Air showing the ports.

While the M2 MacBook Airs are fast laptops, the M3 brings Apple’s thinnest machines up to speed, especially on the GPU front. This will be important for the rest of the year, especially with Qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon X Elite ARM chips, which are claimed to be even faster than the M3.

Otherwise, the MacBook Air 13- and 15-inch models remain the same. The same incredibly thin and light chassis are on hand, with the 13-inch model coming in at just 0.44 inches and 2.7 pounds, and the 15-inch model at 0.45 inches and 3.3 pounds.

The current M2 model has dropped in price, now starting at $999 for the base model with an 8-core CPU/8-core GPU M2, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB SSD. That model can be upgraded to an 8-core CPU/10-core GPU M2, 24GB of RAM, and a 2TB SSD for $2,199.


M3 的定价将与原始 M2 相同,13 英寸基础型号售价为 $1,099,15 英寸基础型号售价为 $1,299。完全升级到最大的 24GB RAM 和 2TB SSD 存储的 13 英寸售价为 $2,299,15 英寸售价为 $2,499。

苹果预计 M3 MacBook Air 将于 3 月 8 日开始发货。审慎的买家会希望跳过基础型号,直接升级到 16GB RAM,这已被证明比 8GB RAM 提供了严重的性能提升。512GB 型号也会比 256GB 选项提供更快的 SSD 性能。对于预算有限或者不是游戏玩家或创作者的人来说,M2 型号将以非常有吸引力的价格提供优异性能。

只需记住,如果您想连接多个外部显示器,M3 MacBook Air 就是您想要的选项。

Q&A 部分:

Q: 新的 MacBook Air M3 在 CPU 和 AI 性能方面有哪些显著的进步吗?

A: 绝对有! M3 在 CPU 和 AI 性能方面带来了显著的升级。由于苹果转向 3 纳米工艺并改善核心效率,与旧的 M1 型号相比,M3 在 Excel 中的速度提高了高达 35%,在 Final Cut Pro 中的速度提高了高达 60% 🚀。

Q: MacBook Air M3 的 GPU 性能如何与其前任相比?

A: M3 中的 GPU 性能就是魔法发生的地方!具有动态缓存和网格着色等功能,M3 在图形性能方面提供了实质性的提升 🎮。苹果承诺在诸如《无人之境》等游戏中帧率提高了 60%,并在诸如 Adobe Premiere Pro 等应用程序中提高了性能。

Q: MacBook Air M3 的其他显著特点是什么?

A: MacBook Air M3 保持了其前身机身的时尚轻薄设计。13 英寸型号的厚度仅为 0.44 英寸,重量仅为 2.7 磅,非常便携 ✨。基础型号的售价为 13 英寸版本 $1,099,15 英寸版本 $1,299,还提供各种升级选项。

Q: MacBook Air M3 何时可以购买?

A: 苹果预计 M3 MacBook Air 将于 3 月 8 日开始发货,所以记得标记你的日历!🗓️

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