高通发布了骁龙X80:具有人工智能超能力的5G调制解调器射频芯片! 😎

高通最新的骁龙X80和FastConnect 7900芯片借助人工智能将5G和Wi-Fi技术提升至前所未有的水平


Get ready for a major 5G boost on your upcoming phone, all thanks to AI technology. | ENBLE

Qualcomm Snapdragon X80 Modem-RF chip.

It’s that time of year again when Qualcomm, the technology giant, introduces its next-generation 5G modem technology. At this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024, Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon X80 5G Modem-RF system, the successor to the Snapdragon X75, with even more power and exciting new AI features.

The Magic of AI-powered 5G 💫

Qualcomm Snapdragon X80 overview.

Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip, powered by the Snapdragon X75 modem, brings new generative AI capabilities to the table. This chip is mainly focused on enhancing the user-facing features found on Samsung’s Galaxy S24 lineup. It empowers Samsung’s Galaxy AI suite with advanced AI capabilities.

But now, with the Snapdragon X80, Qualcomm has taken a massive leap by incorporating a dedicated AI tensor accelerator into the chip. This move marks Qualcomm’s first genuine attempt at harnessing the power of AI to dynamically optimize the performance of 5G modems. The Qualcomm 5G AI Suite Gen 3, powered by the AI tensor accelerator, allows for intelligent enhancements in data speeds, quality of service, latency, coverage, and power efficiency. In simpler terms, it means this chip will deliver outstanding 5G performance.

The AI-powered technology will make your device more likely to connect to the best towers and bands available. It will also intelligently balance power efficiency and high-speed performance. The AI will analyze how you use your device and the surrounding 5G networks and frequencies to ensure an optimized experience.

For example, during peak congestion, connecting to a less busy tower farther away can save battery life and deliver efficient 5G speeds for streaming 4K videos or transferring large files. Qualcomm’s 5G AI Suite is designed to adapt to ever-changing 5G landscapes and help smartphones adapt to these dynamic scenarios.

“Leveraging AI is critical to the future of connectivity,” says Qualcomm’s senior vice president and general manager of technology planning and edge solutions, Durga Malladi. According to him, this latest milestone solidifies Qualcomm’s leadership in cutting-edge AI and advanced modem-RF technology.

Upping the Game for 5G Carrier Aggregation 🚀

Qualcomm Sub-6 5G carrier aggregation speeds illustration.

While the speeds on 5G networks have reached a plateau, Qualcomm is finding innovative ways to deliver better speed and range. Carriers have predominantly settled in the midband frequencies for their networks as extremely high-frequency mmWave networks turned out to be cost-prohibitive with their limited range.

To boost speeds into the gigabit-per-second ranges, carriers are embracing 5G Carrier Aggregation (5G CA). This technology combines multiple 5G frequencies, delivering faster speeds. However, client devices need to support 5G CA for it to work effectively.

Last year’s Snapdragon X75 already offered five-carrier aggregation on sub-6GHz frequencies, thereby enabling faster speeds for T-Mobile customers using Samsung Galaxy S24. With the Snapdragon X80, Qualcomm takes it to the next level by introducing 6X downlink carrier aggregation and a six-antenna architecture. Devices equipped with this chip will be capable of receiving data on six separate 5G frequencies simultaneously at maximum speeds. T-Mobile may expand its four-carrier aggregation to support the Snapdragon X80-powered devices arriving early next year in North America.

For some odd reason, the Snapdragon X80 still supports Snapdragon Satellite. Although Qualcomm hasn’t said much about it this year, the X80 is the first 5G modem with fully integrated support for Narrowband Non-Terrestrial Network (NB-NTN) satellite communications. This suggests that Qualcomm may be preparing to introduce a more open standard for satellite communications. Qualcomm had previously developed a proprietary technology called Snapdragon Satellite, but after its agreement with satellite provider Iridium fell apart last year, they vowed to focus on standards-based solutions.


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Qualcomm FastConnect 7900 概览。

随着骁龙 X80 Modem-RF 系统的推出,高通还发布了FastConnect 7900。 这款新的 Wi-Fi 7 处理器在单个芯片上集成了蓝牙和超宽带技术,同时利用新的人工智能技术实现了最大性能、较低的延迟和功耗。

FastConnect 7900 使用机器学习人工智能根据您的设备使用和环境来优化性能。 这可以减少功耗并在 Wi-Fi 网络上实现极低的延迟。 该芯片还引入了 High Band Simultaneous 技术,实现了数据从手机到电视或电脑的无缝和近乎即时的传输。

借助集成的超宽带技术,FastConnect 7900 将 Snapdragon Seamless 和高通的扩展个人区域网络(XPAN)提升到一个全新水平。 这个特性增加了接近感知,以增强智能设备体验。

据高通移动连接性副总裁兼总经理Javier del Prado称,“FastConnect 7900 是一项技术壮举,利用人工智能提升了性能水平,提供领先的 Wi-Fi 7 和蓝牙功能,同时集成了超宽带技术,全部在一个单一的6纳米芯片上。” 这个系统增强了我们喜爱的设备上的人工智能、接近感知和多设备体验。

影响和未来发展 🔮

预计高通的骁龙 X80 和 FastConnect 7900 将在2024年下半年商用推出。 首批搭载这些先进技术的智能手机和其他设备可能会在年底前后推出。 这些在 5G 调制解调器技术和人工智能功能方面的进步表明了高通致力于推动连接性的界限,并为用户优化性能。

读者可能感兴趣的问题和答案 🤔

问: 哪些设备将搭载骁龙 X80 和 FastConnect 7900?

答: 骁龙 X80 和 FastConnect 7900 可能会集成到即将推出的旗舰智能手机和其他设备中,这些设备将于2024年年底左右推出。 请留意主要智能手机制造商的公告。

问: 人工智能驱动的 5G 如何增强用户体验?

答: 人工智能驱动的 5G 能够动态优化设备性能,确保更快的数据速度、改善的服务质量、降低延迟、更广泛的覆盖范围和提升的功耗效率。 它分析网络条件、设备使用模式和其他变量,以实现最佳体验。

问: 什么是 5G 载波聚合,以及它如何提高网络速度?

答: 5G 载波聚合结合多个 5G 频率以实现更快的数据速度。 通过同时利用不同的频段,运营商可以为用户提供更快的下载和上传速度。 借助高通的骁龙 X80,设备将支持六个载波聚合,将速度推至每秒几十亿位。

问: 什么是骁龙 Satellite,它会成为未来设备的一部分吗?

答: 尽管骁龙 X80 仍然支持骁龙 Satellite,但高通已经将重心转向基于标准的解决方案。 X80 是第一款集成窄带非地面网络(NB-NTN)卫星通信支持的调制解调器,这表明未来卫星通信可能会采用更开放的标准。

问: 什么时候将推出搭载这些先进技术的设备?

答: 预计在2024年下半年会商用推出,首批搭载骁龙 X80 和 FastConnect 7900 的设备可能会在年底左右推出。

最后总结 😊

高通的骁龙 X80 和 FastConnect 7900 带来了 5G 技术的下一波创新浪潮。 借助人工智能功能、增强的载波聚合以及集成的超宽带技术,这些进步承诺提供更快的速度、更低的延迟以及对我们喜爱的设备的改进体验。 连接性的未来变得更加光明,而高通正引领着这一切的发展!


  1. 高通骁龙 X80 调制解调器芯片
  2. 移动世界大会的全面报道
  3. 2024 年移动世界大会的 6 款重磅发布
  4. 高通骁龙 X75
  5. 三星 Galaxy S24
  6. 骁龙 8 Gen 3 的人工智能增强
  7. 5G 载波聚合的进展
  8. 高通FastConnect 7900 Wi-Fi 7 处理器

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