


我尝试使用AI工具来帮助我日常生活一个星期。 这是发生的事情。

🤖💥生成式人工智能工具已经在技术领域掀起了风暴,承诺改变我们的生活,提高生产力并释放潜力。 但这些说法只是炒作吗? 作为一个以人工智能为生的作家,我对此表示怀疑。 然而,我决定进行一项个人实验,测试生成式人工智能工具的实用性和可行性。 🧪✍️


我花了一个多星期的时间将生成式人工智能工具整合到我的日常生活中,仔细选择了对普通人免费且易获得的服务。 这排除了像Slack的AI插件和Microsoft的Copilot之类的付费订阅工具,确保了评估的公平性。 以下是我尝试过的工具:

  • 🔗 ChatGPT Plus:用于头脑风暴和写作帮助的AI聊天机器人。
  • 🔗 Google Gemini:协助各种任务的虚拟助手。
  • Google Docs和Gmail的“帮助我写”功能:用于增强写作和电子邮件撰写的AI助手。
  • 独立的Copilot网站:用于时间管理和任务组织的工具。
  • 🔗 Otter’s AI:配备AI功能的转录工具。

值得注意的是,我订阅了ChatGPT(ChatGPT Plus),而Otter的订阅由ENBLE赞助。 所有其他应用均使用我的个人免费帐户。


作为一名记者使用生成式人工智能工具存在独特的伦理挑战。 为了保持诚信,我立誓永远不让这些工具直接为我撰写东西。 相反,我使用它们进行头脑风暴和写作帮助。 为了增加警惕,当使用ChatGPT处理未发布或敏感信息时,我禁用了聊天记录,以防止训练模型使用我的数据。 Gemini 和 Copilot 由于其免费帐户的数据使用政策而未在此类情况下使用。


作为一个臭名昭著缺乏组织能力的人,我求助于AI工具来整理我错综复杂的待办事项清单。 每天早晨,我将需要完成的所有任务(工作相关或个人)都列了出来。 我向 ChatGPT、Gemini 和 Copilot 展示了这个清单,迫不及待地想看看哪个工具提供的回应最有帮助。

尽管Gemini和Copilot各有优点,但ChatGPT 被誉为任务管理的超级英雄。 ChatGPT 具有对我一天中创意能量水平的确切了解,它设计了一个优化我的生产力的日程安排。 它甚至建议在投入长期项目之前先洗衣服,更有效地利用我的时间。 💪🧺


在写作领域,我发现生成式人工智能工具有独特的用途。 面对制作引人注目标题的挑战时,我求助于 ChatGPT 进行协助。 通过将草稿粘贴到聊天中,我问AI故事讲述的是什么,以确保我的内容与我的意图一致。 另外,我还尝试根据我之前撰写的文章请求标题构想。

虽然 ChatGPT 准确捕捉到故事的本质,但它生成的标题缺乏人情味。 它们感觉公式化和机械化,类似于一篇纽约时报文章的拙劣模仿。 同样,Gemini 的标题建议从普通到点击率欺骗性不等,令人意犹未尽。 由于字数限制而被限制,Copilot 在这个领域的潜力被削减了。


作为一名记者,我的任务之一涉及审核采访记录。 Otter 的 AI 转录工具为我节省了大量时间。 其聊天机器人功能使我能够从对话中提取关键的观点和总结要点。 虽然AI生成的见解似乎是有效的,但我仍然感到有必要通过阅读整个记录来交叉核对准确性。 这种事实核查的需要突显了生成式人工智能在时间敏感任务中的局限性。


Emailing Bliss: AI for Customer Service Woes

During my lunch break, I stumbled upon the perfect use for Google’s AI tools in Gmail. I put this gem to the test when dealing with a customer service problem. Instead of laboring over the best way to compose an email, I turned to Gmail’s “Help me write” feature. With a simple prompt about the issue, it effortlessly drafted an email with all the necessary details. In the end, the issue was resolved promptly, and my faith in AI-powered customer service was restored. 😌💼

Unlocking Culinary Creativity: AI Joins Dinner Prep

Tasty’s Botatouille app, an AI-powered chatbot for recipe ideas, became my culinary companion during dinner preparations. When creativity faltered, I sought inspiration and ideas based on the ingredients in my fridge. Botatouille presented some interesting meal suggestions, such as kale and white bean soup or a stir fry with leftover veggies and chicken. However, the app fell short in execution, necessitating further tweaks and improvisation on my part. Without a chat history feature, revisiting previous recipe ideas also proved challenging, diminishing its usefulness.

The Verdict: AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement

My week-long experiment with generative AI tools provided valuable insights. While some tools showed promise, others lacked the stickiness required to secure a permanent spot in my tech roster. ChatGPT emerged as my go-to tool for planning workdays, summarizing information, and brainstorming headlines. Gmail’s “Help me write” minimized mindless email-related tasks, offering a handy shortcut. Otter’s transcription tool proved useful, albeit with the need for double-checking. Tasty’s Botatouille, while helpful for brainstorming recipe ideas, fell short in execution due to its limitations.

It is worth noting that most AI tools for work are tailored to non-creative industries, making them essential for project management, logistics, and proposal creation. As a writer who relies on the power of words, I find that AI tools can only assist to a certain extent. Embracing human creativity and the subtle nuances of language remains a vital component of my craft, and I am more than content with that. 🤝🖊️

🌟 Additional Questions and Concerns Answered 🌟

Q: Are generative AI tools reliable enough to be used for sensitive information? A: When dealing with unpublished or sensitive information, it is crucial to exercise caution. I recommend disabling chat history and using tools like ChatGPT without internet access to safeguard your data.

Q: Do availing paid subscriptions enhance the performance of AI tools? A: While some tools offered paid subscriptions, I found that free versions were sufficient for my daily use. However, paid subscriptions might unlock additional features and benefits, providing an enhanced experience.

Q: Are there any AI tools specifically designed for creative professionals? A: Currently, most AI tools cater to non-creative industries. However, new AI developments are constantly emerging, and it is only a matter of time before more tools are tailored to meet the unique needs of creative professionals.

Q: Could generative AI replace human writers and journalists? A: Generative AI tools can offer valuable assistance in various aspects of the writing process. However, human creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to capture the subtleties of language make human writers and journalists irreplaceable.

🌐 References:

  1. Title: Volkswagen to Bring ChatGPT to Cars and SUVs
  2. Title: Use Google’s Gemini AI App on Your Android Phone
  3. Title: New York Times Suing OpenAI and Microsoft for Copyright Infringement
  4. Title: Meta Going for Artificial General Intelligence, Says Zuckerberg: Here’s Why It Matters
  5. Title: Artificial Intelligence: How It Has Been Quietly Enhancing Your Work Life for Years

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