


Threads introduces new save feature, reminiscent of Instagram and X.

📅 Last Updated: February 27, 2024

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Threads confirms new Save on Threads feature

In an effort to keep up with other social media platforms, Threads is rolling out a new feature called Save on Threads. Similar to bookmarking posts on Instagram and other rival platforms, this function allows users to store posts for later access. Adam Mosseri, the chief of Instagram, confirmed that the feature will be available broadly and immediately. So, how does it work and what improvements have been made to Threads? Let’s dive in and find out!

Threads 新功能介绍:存储帖子的新特性

If you’re eager to utilize the new Save feature on Threads, follow these simple steps. First, tap on the three-dot menu in the top-right corner of the post you want to save. Next, click on the Save button, and the post will be bookmarked for later use. If you can’t see these options yet, don’t worry! Your profile will soon have access to this handy feature.

Threads functions similarly to Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter), with the exception of not having a bookmark icon underneath posts. However, the introduction of the Save feature brings Threads closer to the functionality of its parent company, Instagram.

Threads 有哪些改进?

Being closely related to Instagram, Threads shares a similar design appearance. However, the Save feature on Instagram offers a more extensive functionality. On Instagram, users have access to Collections, where they can store posts and reels in separate folders. Additionally, Collaborative Collections allow users to collaborate with friends or colleagues, saving content for a common purpose.

Since its launch in July 2023, Threads is still in its fledgling phase. As it approaches its first anniversary, Meta, the parent company of Threads and Instagram, is actively working on various development projects to enhance the platform’s appeal. Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, has mentioned that they are working on two of the platform’s most requested features: a native camera button and the ability to save a post by swiping down on the screen.

Image: Julio Lopez/Pexels

##🔮 Threads 的未来

As Threads continues to evolve and improve, it is likely to introduce more features that align with user demand and preferences. The Save feature is just the beginning, with Meta’s ongoing efforts to make Threads a more robust and appealing social media platform. Stay tuned for further updates!

Q&A: 对 Threads 和社交媒体的更多见解

Q: Threads 与 Instagram 有什么不同?A: Threads 与 Instagram 共享相似的设计,但它提供了一个更简化的体验,更专注于亲密朋友和分享更新。

Q: 我能在 Threads 上保存其他用户的帖子吗?A: 不可以,Threads 上的保存功能只允许您保存自己的帖子。但是,您可以在 Instagram 上保存其他用户的帖子。

Q: Threads 的广告定位会和 Instagram 一样精准吗?A: 由于 Threads 还相对较新,目前尚不清楚平台上的广告定位将如何发展。Meta 很可能会探索选项,以实现与用户期望一致的方式来赚取 Threads 的收益。

Q: 在使用 Threads 时是否存在隐私问题?A: 与任何社交媒体平台一样,隐私问题可能会出现。重要的是根据需要审查和调整您的隐私设置,以确保在 Threads 上获得您期望的隐私级别。


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现在您已经了解了Threads的新Save功能的最新信息,是时候试一试了!在社交媒体上使用标签#ThreadsSave分享您对Threads的想法和经历。让我们传播这个消息,使保存帖子变得比以往更容易吧! 💪✨


Graeme Hanna是一名全职自由撰稿人,在在线新闻和内容写作方面拥有丰富的经验。他为包括The Glasgow Times、Manchester Evening News、MyLondon、Give Me Sport和Belfast News Letter在内的各种主流英国媒体做出了贡献。Graeme在专业服务领域有着丰富的知识和专长,作为ENBLE.com的特约作者,他为自己的科技新闻故事带来了丰富的专业知识。

