


Tor Project launches WebTunnel to bypass censorship on Tor network.

March 12th: World Day Against Cyber Censorship 🌍

Governments around the world exert control over the internet, limiting what their citizens can access and view. It’s a constant battle for online freedom, and every year on March 12th, we commemorate World Day Against Cyber Censorship. This online event sheds light on the relentless efforts of oppressive regimes to censor and silence free speech on the internet.

Two organizations leading the charge against cyber censorship, Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International, were the driving forces behind this significant day. They fight tirelessly to defend the right to freedom of information, aiming to protect and empower individuals.

To mark this occasion, the Tor Project has introduced a groundbreaking tool called WebTunnel. Inspired by the HTTP probe-resistant proxy, this censorship-resistant pluggable transport is a game-changer. It cleverly blends Tor traffic with HTTPS-encrypted web traffic, making it exceptionally difficult to block Tor connections. Essentially, WebTunnel hides censored traffic in plain sight.

🌐 Blending In with the Crowd

The brilliance behind WebTunnel is simple yet effective. By blending Tor traffic in with HTTPS traffic, blocking one would inadvertently block the other, which includes the majority of web server traffic worldwide. Consequently, networks employing protocol-allow lists and deny-by-default policies have to permit WebTunnel connections. This empowers users to bypass censorship within such restrictive networks.

According to the Tor Project, WebTunnel is so indistinguishable from ordinary web traffic that it can coexist on the same network endpoint, sharing the same domain, IP address, and port as a website. In technical terms, this allows a standard traffic reverse proxy to forward both ordinary web traffic and WebTunnel to their respective application servers. In simpler terms, when someone visits the shared network address, they see the content of the website without any indication of the existence of the WebTunnel.

🔁 WebTunnel vs. Obfs4 Bridges

WebTunnel serves as an alternative for most Tor Browser users, rivaling the functionality of obfs4 bridges—a tool widely used to evade censorship. The key distinction lies in WebTunnel’s approach of mimicking HTTPS web traffic, rendering it more effective in certain scenarios.

To illustrate this, the Tor Project compares WebTunnel to a coin sorting machine. Traditionally, such a machine checks if a coin fits a known shape and allows it to pass if it does or discards it if it doesn’t. In the case of fully encrypted, unknown traffic, as demonstrated in the research publication “How the Great Firewall of China Detects and Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic,” censorship mechanisms struggle to distinguish specific shapes. In our coin analogy, for traffic to evade censorship, it must not only avoid known blocked protocol shapes but also fit recognized allowed shapes; otherwise, it would be dropped.

🔐 Embracing WebTunnel: Simple Steps to Online Freedom

Using WebTunnel is straightforward. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and visit https://bridges.torproject.org/options.
  2. In the “Advanced Options” section, select “webtunnel” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on “Get Bridges” to generate the required information.
  4. Complete the provided captcha challenge.
  5. Copy the bridge line to your clipboard.
  6. Launch the Tor Browser and navigate to the Connection Preferences window.
  7. Click on “Add A Bridge Manually” and paste the bridge line from step 5.
  8. Close the bridge dialog and click “Connect.”

For more detailed instructions and additional information about WebTunnel, check out the Tor Project’s announcement post.

🌐 The Future of Online Freedom

WebTunnel is a significant development in the ongoing fight for online freedom. By leveraging the camouflage of HTTPS web traffic, it allows individuals to overcome censorship barriers imposed by oppressive regimes. As censorship mechanisms advance, tools like WebTunnel become crucial in preserving open and unrestricted access to information online.

Looking ahead, the Tor Project and other organizations will continue to innovate and devise new methods to combat cyber censorship. By staying one step ahead of oppressive regimes, we can safeguard the fundamental right to freedom of information and maintain a free and open internet for all.



🌟 Q&A

Q1: WebTunnel 是如何工作的? A1:WebTunnel 通过将 Tor 流量与 HTTPS 加密的网络流量混合在一起巧妙地伪装 Tor 流量。这种伪装使得阻止 Tor 连接变得异常困难,因为这样做将会阻止全球网服务器流量的相当大一部分。

Q2: WebTunnel 与 obfs4 桥接有何不同? A2:WebTunnel 和 obfs4 桥接有着类似的目的——帮助用户规避审查制度。然而,WebTunnel 模仿 HTTPS 网络流量的技术在某些情况下具有优势,使其比 obfs4 桥接更加有效。

Q3: 所有人都能使用 WebTunnel 吗? A3:是的,大多数 Tor 浏览器用户都可以访问 WebTunnel。它为绕过那些采用协议允许列表和默认拒绝策略的网络内部的审查制度提供了一种强大的工具。


📚 额外资源:

  1. 如何使用 Tor 浏览器(以及为什么您应该这样做)
  2. 最佳 VPN 服务:专家测试和评论

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