
在2024年的MWC展会上,Tecno正在展示其可卷曲的手机概念,名为Phantom Ultimate以下是它的优点和需要改进之处


Rollable Phones: The Future of Mobile Displays

Tecno Rollable Concept

The world of gadgets never ceases to amaze me, and the Mobile World Congress (MWC) is like a playground for tech enthusiasts. This year’s event didn’t disappoint, as I stumbled upon a whole array of mind-boggling gadgets. From bendable smartphones to laser-shooting lapel pins, and now, a phone with a rollable display!

Imagine a phone that transforms from a 6.55-inch screen to a whopping 7.11 inches with just the press of a button. It’s called the Phantom Ultimate, and it’s a concept phone from Chinese technology company Tecno. But don’t let the name fool you; this device is no phantom. I had the chance to play around with one on the show floor, and let me tell you, it made my trusty old OnePlus Open feel like an ancient relic.

The magic of a rollable phone lies in its motorized mechanism. You don’t physically pull the display out, but rather, you either press a button or do a fancy three-finger swipe gesture. Sure, the swipe gesture wasn’t always perfect, but when it worked, it was pure magic. Watching the display expand on its own, gradually covering more surface area, is like witnessing the most satisfying viral video come to life. 🌟

Now, I must admit that the jump from a 6.55-inch display to a 7.11-inch one may not seem groundbreaking. Tecno could have pushed the limits further, transforming the phone into a mega tablet. That would have been outrageous in the best way possible. Nevertheless, the added real estate was noticeable as I switched between messaging apps, the browser, and a video player. And if you work with spreadsheets, just roll out the display for a comprehensive view of your data. Talk about convenience!

The Phantom Ultimate’s display is undoubtedly the highlight of this concept. With a resolution of 2296 x 1596, dynamic LTPO technology (allowing for a refresh rate of 1Hz to 120Hz), and full support for the DCI-P3 wide color gamut, it’s a visual feast. However, I wouldn’t recommend it for professional content creation or graphic design. The display’s thin and flexible glass is quite reflective, which could hinder accurate color representation in bright environments. But hey, who knows what the future holds? 🌈

But wait, there’s more! The Phantom Ultimate has another trick up its sleeve – a back display. Similar to Samsung’s Edge Panels, this feature allows you to glance at information when you place your phone face down. It’s a thoughtful addition that adds an extra touch of convenience and style.

Of course, as with any new technology, there are a couple of concerns. The rollable design often leads to scratches on the flexible glass, as evidenced by the units on display at Tecno’s booth. Additionally, the longevity of the motorized display is a legitimate worry. How many times can it open and close before something goes awry? Tecno claims the Phantom Ultimate can withstand 50,000 cycles, assuming users roll the display in and out eight times daily. Let’s hope these figures hold up in real-world usage.

Now, the burning question remains: when will rollable phones like the Phantom Ultimate hit the market? Tecno is currently gauging user interest, particularly in emerging markets like Southeast Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. So, there’s no definitive timetable just yet. However, it’s worth mentioning that Motorola still seems committed to its own rollable phone, which made its debut at last year’s MWC. Rumor has it that they’re aiming for a 2026 release. On that note, the future looks bright and rollable!

Q&A: Discover More About Rollable Phones

Q: Are rollable phones durable? A: Rollable phones present a unique challenge in terms of durability. The flexible glass used in their displays is susceptible to scratches. Additionally, the motorized mechanism that enables the rolling action raises concerns about its long-term reliability. Manufacturers are conducting extensive testing to ensure these phones can withstand frequent use and daily wear and tear.

Q: Will rollable phones replace foldable phones? A: Rollable and foldable phones belong to the same family of innovative devices seeking to redefine the form factor of smartphones. While foldable phones offer a different user experience with their ability to unfold into a larger tablet-like display, rollable phones aim to provide a seamless transition between screen sizes. Both technologies have their unique advantages, and it’s too early to determine which will dominate the market. It ultimately depends on user preferences and the development of these technologies.


Q:rollable phones将如何影响移动应用开发? A:rollable phones有潜力彻底改变移动应用开发。开发人员需要考虑可变屏幕尺寸,并调整他们的应用程序,使其在展开显示屏时可以无缝调整和利用额外的屏幕房地产。这可能导致增强的多任务处理能力和更具沉浸感的用户体验。应用程序开发人员将需要密切关注这一新兴趋势,并相应调整他们的策略。

Q:柔性显示屏的未来是什么? A:柔性显示屏已经开始改变科技行业,并其未来看起来充满希望。随着技术的进步和制造技术的改进,我们可以期待更多创新的形态和应用。柔性显示屏可能会应用到各种设备中,包括可穿戴设备、电视机,甚至智能家居设备。可能性是无限的,我们只是揭开了这项技术所能提供的一小部分。

为了及时了解最新的科技新闻和趋势,请确保关注我们的网站并与您的朋友们分享这篇文章!让我们继续交流,一起拥抱激动人心的rollable phones世界吧!📱💻✨


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披露:凯瑞万前往巴塞罗那参加Mobile World Congress的旅行费用由Tecno支付,这是长途旅行的常见行业做法。本文中表达的判断和意见与我们报道的公司无关。
