Ultraleap: 架起虚拟与现实世界之间的桥梁

2019年5月,Ultrahaptics和Leap Motion合并为Ultraleap(与Magic Leap不同,后者也在同一行业中运营)该公司进行了名称变更


Ultraleap is adding haptic touch to cars and VR headsets.

The Marriage of Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion Creates a New Era of XR Interaction

MWC 2024

In May 2019, two innovative tech startups, Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion, joined forces and gave birth to Ultraleap (not to be confused with Magic Leap, although they do operate in the same space). This merger signifies the beginning of a new era in Extended Reality (XR) interaction.

The Unification of Technologies

Ultrahaptics, the acquiring party, paid a whopping $30 million to gain ownership of Leap Motion, and the two companies have wasted no time in merging their existing technologies to provide exceptional XR experiences. With XR being such a diverse and multi-dimensional field, Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion aim to create a long-term vision that revolves around interacting with 3D content.

Leap Motion, founded in 2010, gained early recognition for its Leap Motion Controller—a small peripheral equipped with infrared cameras and LEDs for hand tracking. It quickly shifted its focus to virtual reality (VR) after Oculus sent shockwaves through the gaming community with their successful Kickstarter campaign.

However, despite the initial hype, Leap Motion failed to maintain its momentum. Many companies opted to develop in-house hand-tracking solutions, and Leap Motion struggled to find a lasting niche in the market.

Ultrahaptics: Tactile Feedback through Ultrasound Waves

Ultrahaptics, founded three years after Leap Motion by two University of Bristol students, utilizes ultrasound waves to create tactile feedback. The company has honed in on two main verticals for its technology:

  1. Automotive: Working in partnership with car manufacturers, Ultrahaptics is implementing console-based speakers that emit upwards to provide tactile sensations for in-car heads-up displays.
  2. XR: This is where Leap Motion’s technology steps in. Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion are collaborating to integrate their technologies into a device that tracks hand movements and provides tactile feedback. This groundbreaking development will introduce a sensation of weight and touch to the virtual realm, addressing a long-standing issue in the XR space.

A Tremendous Leap Forward

To improve sensory feedback in XR environments, many solutions involve wearing gloves embedded with traditional haptic motors. However, Ultraleap believes that adding more wearable tech is not the ideal solution for most XR users. Instead, they have devised a compact “puck” that sits on the floor and emits waves to provide tactile sensations to the user’s hands.

Alternatively, the technology can be mounted onto the front of a VR visor. Ultrasound waves emitted from below create a sense of resistance, while waves emitted from the user’s direction exert force in the opposite direction.

Last month, Ultraleap unveiled a significant milestone at CES—Sensation Designer. This powerful software package empowers developers to bring haptic experiences to XR. One remarkable demo showcased the virtual interaction with a bonsai tree, where Leap Motion technology determined the orientation of the user’s hands in space, while haptic feedback simulated the sensation of touching the virtual object.

Once fully developed, this technology has the potential to enhance the realism of XR experiences, revolutionizing gaming, as well as enterprise applications.

Q&A: Addressing Your Burning Questions

Q: What sets Ultraleap apart from other haptic solutions in the XR space?

A: Ultraleap’s integration of Ultrahaptics and Leap Motion technologies creates a unique approach to enhancing XR interactions. By combining tactile feedback through ultrasound waves with precise hand tracking capabilities, Ultraleap offers a more immersive and natural experience.

Q: How does the “puck” device work?

A: The small “puck” emits ultrasound waves that provide tactile feedback to the user’s hands. This approach eliminates the need for additional wearable tech, such as gloves with embedded haptic motors. The waves create a sense of touch and weight, making XR experiences feel more realistic.


Q: Ultraleap 的技术除了汽车和 XR 外还可以用在其他行业吗?

A: 虽然 Ultraleap 最初的重点是汽车和 XR,但他们的技术应用并不仅限于这些领域。 在医疗保健、教育和娱乐等行业存在扩展的潜力,那里对沉浸式和互动体验非常重视。


Ultrahaptics 和 Leap Motion 在 Ultraleap 旗下的合并标志着 XR 行业的一个激动人心的里程碑。 随着 XR 的不断发展和扩展,我们可以期待 Ultraleap 在虚拟和物理现实之间架起关键的桥梁。

随着技术的进步和对更沉浸式体验的不断增长需求,Ultraleap 的创新可能开辟新形式的娱乐方式,彻底改变培训和教育项目,并重塑沟通的未来。

在我们急切期待 XR 领域的下一篇章时,让我们共同庆祝 Ultrahaptics 和 Leap Motion 的合作,他们正致力于丰富我们与现实和虚拟世界互动的方式。


  1. Ultraleap 官方网站
  2. Leap Motion 官方网站
  3. Magic Leap 官方网站
  4. Oculus VR
  5. Virtual Reality Society

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