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Top 11 must-have apps and services for Windows and Mac users

Do you ever wonder what’s powering the minds of computer tech experts? 🤔 Well, wonder no more! In this article, I’ll take you through a behind-the-scenes tour of the software I use in my office every day for productivity and entertainment. You might even discover some hidden gems along the way! 💎

Productivity Tools: Getting Stuff Done 📈

Microsoft 365 apps for Business: More than just a bundle 🎯

Microsoft Office has been a staple in the tech community for years. Now, with the rebranding to Microsoft 365, the core apps – Outlook, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint – have become even more essential. With my Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription, I get access to these powerful apps, along with custom email domain support and a terabyte of cloud storage. It’s worth every penny of the $150 annual fee. 💼

But wait, there’s more! Microsoft has integrated OneDrive for Business into the mix, allowing me to store all my important documents securely in the cloud. Plus, the web apps come in handy when I’m on the go and need to quickly access and edit files. Talk about a productivity powerhouse! 💪

Tweeten: Taming the Twitter Beast 🦜

Twitter can be overwhelming, especially if you follow hundreds or thousands of accounts. That’s where Tweeten comes in. This third-party app, based on TweetDeck, lets me organize accounts into lists and display them in separate columns. It’s like TweetDeck on steroids! With features like filters, support for multiple accounts, and the ability to paste graphics directly into tweets, Tweeten has become my go-to browser extension for taming the Twitter beast. Best of all, it’s free! 😎

OneNote: The Infinite Notebook 📔

Remember those tattered old Moleskine notebooks? Well, OneNote is like their digital counterpart, but with infinite potential. I’ve been using OneNote since 2003, and it has become my virtual Swiss Army knife for note-taking and organization. From receipts and meeting notes to important emails and travel documents, OneNote is where I store it all. The best part? It can capture content from anywhere – webpages, scanned documents, even handwritten notes. It’s the ultimate note-taking tool, and it’s available for free on multiple platforms! 📝

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC: PDF Powerhouse 💡

Editing and annotating PDFs is a daily task for many computer tech geeks. While there are free options out there, I find the extra capabilities of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC worth the $15 monthly subscription fee. Sure, perpetual licenses are available, but they come with a hefty price tag. Plus, if you try to cancel your subscription, Adobe may offer you a discounted price to stay. So why settle for less when you can have the full power of Adobe at your fingertips? 📄

Quicken Home and Business: Love to Hate It 😩

Quicken is like that mouthwash you hate the taste of but use anyway. It’s not perfect, and it can be infuriating to use at times, but it’s still the best option out there for personal finance management. With responsive support and a large user base, Quicken has saved me countless hours of budgeting and bookkeeping. And hey, the $104-a-year subscription is tax-deductible. So, despite the occasional bugs, it’s a necessary evil for many of us.

Web Browsing and Extensions: Surfing like a Pro 🌊🌐

Microsoft Edge (Chromium): The Only Browser You Need 🌈


匆匆那年,桌面上不再需要同时操作多个浏览器。微软Edge因采用Chromium渲染引擎成为我的所有操作的首选浏览器。它支持我喜爱的所有Chrome扩展,并添加了跟踪防护功能,保护我的在线行踪隐私。无论我使用Windows PC、MacBook Pro还是iOS设备,Edge都能胜任。再见,Chrome – 我不再需要你了!🖥️

1Password:您的密码管理助手 🔑

随着我们拥有的在线账户数量不断增加,密码管理器变得必不可少。1Password就像我的钢铁侠一样英勇。它具备你所期望的一切功能 – 密码生成、双因素认证以及跨设备加密同步功能。此外,家庭计划使得与亲人分享凭据变得轻而易举。每月5美元,绝对物超所值,让您拥有内心的宁静。相信我,您会惊讶于自己过去是如何生活的。🤫

Workona:驯服标签混乱 📑

如果你像我一样,在任何时候可能同时打开十几个标签页。这就是Workona发挥作用的地方 – 整理浏览器标签页最干净的方式。使用Workona,我可以将标签页分组到工作空间中,跨设备同步它们,甚至与团队成员协作。对于保持我的浏览有序和高效而言,这是一个改变游戏规则的功能。我提一下吗?目前是免费的,当正式发布时每月升级为6美元也绝对物超所值。标签混乱,消失吧!🚫

媒体工具:释放您内心的极客 🎧🎮

Spotify音乐:动感无限 🎵

说到音乐流媒体,Spotify在我心目中独霸鳌头。虽然没有完美的流媒体服务,但Spotify的自动播放列表和庞大的目录使其成为我首选。每月10美元,我可以无限制地享受庞大的音乐库,无广告打扰。抱歉,Apple音乐,但你无法与Spotify的播放列表和跨平台便利性相抗衡。所以,请尽情跳舞,就像没人在看一样 – 只要确保您正在收听Spotify!🎉

VLC媒体播放器:媒体的瑞士军刀 🎥


MediaMonkey:驯服音乐收藏异兽 🎶




  1. 我最喜爱的五款免费Windows 10实用工具
  2. Microsoft 365与Google Workspace(之前被称为G Suite):哪个办公套件最适合您的企业?
  3. 1Password:我最喜欢的密码管理器是一款必不可少的安全工具
  4. 2021年最佳流媒体音乐服务
  5. 浏览器标签太多?这个令人印象深刻的扩展是我的最爱解决方案
  6. VLC媒体播放器:最佳免费替代DVD播放器
  7. 1Password:我最喜欢的密码管理器是一款必不可少的安全工具


